AT NIGHT ALL BLOOD IS BLACK by David Diop [FSG and Pushkin Press 2020]

BRESSON ON BRESSON by Robert Bresson [NYRB Classics 2016]

NAZIS IN THE METRO by Didier Daeninckx [Melville House 2014]

COMMENTARY by Marcelle Sauvageot, co-translated with Christine Schwartz Hartley [Ugly Duckling Presse 2013]

THE JOKERS by Albert Cossery [NYRB Classics 2010]

THE POSSESSION by Annie Ernaux [Seven Stories Press 2008]

THE ENGAGEMENT by Georges Simenon [NYRB Classics 2006]
as contributor
Souffles-Anfas (poem by Tahar Ben Jalloun)
The Films of Claire Denis: Intimacy on the Border (essay by Jean-Luc Nancy)
The Collected Poems of Marcel Proust (Marcel Proust: two poems) Unchanged: The Collected Poems of Marcel Proust (Marcel Proust: two poems)
Moravagine (Blaise Cendrars: supplementary chapter)
Miserable Miracle (Henri Michaux: supplementary text)